Sarah Beth Morgan
“Between Lines” is a powerful animated short that traces the scars of schoolgirl bullying. Leading a team of more than 30 women, Sarah Beth Morgan embarks on a therapeutic project born of personal experience and one that speaks to the hope of healing after trauma. The result is a delicate, yet crushing, narrative that tells of a young woman’s journey navigating isolation, exclusion and anxiety.
Credits | |
Director | Sarah Beth Morgan |
Producer | Rebekah Hamilton |
Animation Director | Taylor Yontz |
Design | Sarah Beth Morgan, Sara Ariel Wong, Nuria Boj, Caroline Choi |
Animation | Taylor Yontz, Rachel Reid, Collin Leix, Yino Huan, Thea Glad, Antoinie Eugene, Rocio Cogno, Pip Williamson, Rachel Yonda, Camille Vincent, Esther Cheung, Amanda Godreau, Yahira Hernandez, Julie Craft, Margaret Bialis, Amy Charlick, Issey Roquet, Anna Taberko, Katherine Pryor, Jasper Hilgers, Michelle Grepo, Aly Tain, Sami Healy, Hyo Bin Kang, Khylin Woodrow |
Voice over / Sound / Music | Jennifer Pague |
Script | Nirrimi Firebrace |
Special Thanks | Dez Stavracos, Tyler Morgan, Molly Bowman |