A quirky and surrealistic action/comedy where a brave heart takes a wild journey inside the body to try to sort out the problems of a hungover morning.
Credits | |
Directed, Designed and Animated | Luca Schenato & Sinem Vardarli |
Production | Luca & Sinem |
Story | Luca Schenato |
Art Direction | Luca Schenato |
Animation | Luca Schenato & Sinem Vardarli |
Sound | Suat Onur Ayas |
Music | Mert Tunay, Haendel, Bach, Terry Devine King (audionetwork) |
Voice | C. Gunyol Bakoglu, Ahenk Demir, Deniz Kavalali, Nivi Jasa |
Sound Edit | Okan Isik, Justin Stark |